Monday, 14 May 2007

MOther's day :)

I must say it really is a blessing to be a MOTHER...:) I still can't imagine i am one..but i am!! feels good. I LOve being a mother to my gorgeous son! To me now..mother's day is when zech gives me a kiss on my cheek with no reason at sweet. It feels like he's just saying thanks mum and i love you, all in just one kiss. He will suddenly stop what he was doing and give me kiss..isn't that cute?
I really enjoyed my mother's day..had a great time at church..and we as a family hanged out :)

@ church sipping wiggles vanilla milk given by josh ;)

Ooo big playground..yeah!!


slide..he was scared at first then ok.

Baa!! tall ah..:)

would you just look at daddy!! hehe

1 comment:

RacHeLLe Low said...


Blessed Mother's Day... =) God bless..