Tuesday, 29 May 2007


Milo is the first dog zech has ever been close enough to touch :) We had a great day yesterday introducing the dog to zecky. I guess it was a good experience. When Milo first arrived i could see that my little prince was so excited. It was all going pretty well until milo started barking...hahaha.
Zecky was just so scared..he cried. :) So we had to kinda gain his trust again..to get him close to milo, we basically had to drag him!!!
Overall i'm happy coz zecky got to know another animal rather than always just the chiko chiko (bird) ..hehe :)

This is Milo!!

When milo's not barking....

'Just don't start barking kay?'

don't kiss me.........

.......let me kiss you

'Hi..apa kabar?'

Feeding milo

'Let's share'

'Can you see the hands that are pushing us?'

Look at zecky's face...:)

Thank you Aunty Maureen and milo.
Thanks for a great day and a wonderful experience!!

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