Monday, 7 May 2007

just @ home

My dear Zechariah has not been feeling well these past few days...still is. Been moody, mum and dad lost lots of sleep :) Now i think i've got the flu too...aiyah! It's nice to just stay home and sleep when u're sick right? Oh but not my precious son..hehehe :) He gets more happy or should i say feel better when he's out..So the 'out' that doesn't need any car or much walking is the balcony..hahaha..but he's happy so why not? hahahaha...

Here he is...

Playing ball...when he's sick..not bad eh..:)

Hi 5 daddy...

Kisses for daddy...

What a beautiful day!

Spending time with 'ayi' Joanna
Listening to music on her ipod

Ain't I cool

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