Sunday, 13 January 2008

Turned a hot sunday to a cold one..

It's the second sunday of Jan flies real quick :)
Church was awesome today..from what i heard, hehehe..
coz i just stayed for the first 10 mins....
and me zech were off to sunday school..:)
Sunday school was good too :) Zecky did colouring, and was not too bad
at sitting quietly while it was story time...and played with his friends :)
Besides that i was a HOT!!!HOT!! day!
Summer so far hasn't been that hot but
it was definately hot today!
On the way home from church, we decided to drop by
subway (where andrew works) just to enjoy
the air-conditioning and a soft drink :)
Zech's normally interested in the soft drink but not today.
Today was all about the ice! Hehehe...he just had ice..
he must have felt the heat too!
So it was nice on a hot day, to just relax, drink something cool and a cookie too.

*No pics this time..hehe..just a short post :)

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