Friday, 23 January 2009

God answers prayers

When Zech was a baby he slept like a 'baby' during car rides.
Nathan however is totally opposite ;)
He doesn't seem to like the car rides, well i think mostly it's
coz he can't seem to sleep in the car even when he's so tired!
Poor baby :(
He will cry and cry and cry and it gets pretty stressing in the car.
We as a family always pray before we leave our home.
Zech even sometimes reminds me.."mummy pray" :)
So always in our prayers we ask God to give Nathan
the peace and joy and to help him learn to settle himself
to sleep.
So it started around the end of his 2nd month, that he started
to improve in the car..he will cry less but wont fall asleep yet.
Then it will be progressing each time until he will not cry no more,
unless it's a dirty nappy :)
This pass two weeks, it has been a miracle..he has fallen asleep
in the car a couple of times!! Hallelujah!
He cries only sometimes..or even for awhile just to
settle himself off to zzz land ;)
It's so much easier when Nathan can fall asleep.
Everyone is much more calm.
We don't have to rush on the road, Andrew can stop by the petrol station
without worrying that Nathan will cry his lungs out!
God is so good, He truly is..
He listens to our prayers..and He is always there for us!

Peaceful baby

His eyes just opened when we reached home :)

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Sunday-18th Jan

Another beautiful Sunday yet a busy one :)

Nathan @ Church

Then later in the afternoon we headed to Lachlan's
place for his baby brother's
one month celebration.
Zech was all excited coz it meant
playtime for him!!

Daddy took some shots of Zech playing the basketball

" thanks always for all things
to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.."
Ephesians 5:20

Nathan at 3 months

Nathan turned 3 months on the 14th Jan..
He sure has grown alot since a tiny little baby :)
He nows smiles alot more, sometimes a little laughter when
being tickled :)
He is very amazed at his hands and feet :)
He has a good appetite which makes him heavier each day..hehe
Also an improvement is when he wakes up from a nap,
he no longer cries but just 'coos'..;)
He lifts his head up pretty high now when on his tummy.

Up up looking at mummy..;)

Loves to smile..

Bath time...
(he's more relaxed now during baths,
so we just take our time..
and enjoy every bath time)

His hands and feet still likes to fly all over..hehe

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Home sweet home

Nathan at 2 months

Brotherly Love....

Wiggles Time

Nathan loves to smile..:)

Nathan and his favourite Pooh

Just relaxing

Some neck exercise time...

Fun on the bed..

With daddy...

and mummy.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Fun with play-doh

We got Zech play-doh for his birthday...
So some pics of fun with play-doh..
He loves it...just that mummy is lazy sometimes to let him play
especially when andrew's at work..
coz it gets pretty messy...:)

3 months

Today Nathan has turned 3 months....
All glory to God! God has been good..Nathan is in good health!
I'm still happy!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Christmas & New Year 08/09

First of all sorry for the really late post....
tend to be overwhelmed when there's so many photos..stories
and when it's delayed in posting...the more overwhelmed i get
and then there goes the blog! Hahaha...but it's a new year
and I'm back..posting stories of our life!
Thanks again faithful readers..:)

Christmas and new years this year was a meaningful one
as all of us tend to think about God's goodness in our lives...
so did we.
2008 was (as most of you will know) a challenging yet
blessed year for us!!
We are so grateful for the Lord's goodness and His faithfulness in our lives.
And of course the biggest thing on 2008 is Nathan Isaiah Rumende!!
What a true joy he has been in our lives...and not mentioning
how many flights he flew when he was in my tummy!! random :)

So these are the pics and what we did before the year ended...

Went to Hillsong on Christmas morning

Daddy & Zech posing after the service :)

Zech and the christmas tree
He wanted the presents under the tree..
I said ' they are for children who
dont have money to buy presents..'
and my smart boy just said 'ok'...and walked away..hehe
good boy..

Then we headed home for lunch coz we cant really go out that much
coz Nathan cant sleep in the car..:)

I made our very own sub :)
Andrew brought home leftover breads...;)
Not too bad i must say..hehe

Then at night we walked around the neighborhood,
admiring the Christmas lights.

Also for Christmas, we had some family photos taken...
i love them so much!!
Thanks again Ko David and Ci Mieke!

Our two precious boys and also..
Nathan's first Christmas :)

New Years Eve we had a gathering with our church,
Andrew worked and joined us later in the night...
Then we went to someone's place for a late night snack..
and half and hour before midnight we rushed home to watch the
fireworks on tv :)
Zech really wanted to watch it live not on tv!! But he settled for the tv :)

Zech playing around @ the church gathering

Ci Mieke & Nathan

New Year fireworks on tv...
Spectacular indeed..

Two boys still awake :)

Then after a nice long sleep.,we got up and just relaxed..
In the evening we all went for a walk...

Daddy & Nathan

Zechariah having fun!

Up up up!!

Mummy & Nathan

Look alike?

There it is first post of the year!
Happy New Year all!!